
REIKI (pronounced RAY KEY) two Japanese Kanji ,when translated into western dialect, mean Universal Life Force Energy or Spiritual (not religious) Energy.

The System of Reiki is a Complementary, safe, vibrational / energy healing practice/therapy, that promotes balance in mind, body, and spirit. It is a painless, non- manipulative, non-invasive and does not interfere with any form of medical treatment.

It is the vitality you can feel when all is going well; it is the energy you feel when sitting still, under a tree; it is the energy of prayer; it is the feeling of being centred even when confronting anger, or negativity. It is like the feeling of warm drink going down, when you feel it go all the way down on a cold night. Or the cold drink on a hot summer night. The energy you feel when sitting on the beach with the water gently rolling over you, energy can be experienced in any of these ways. The depletion of energy can be felt too, if we are attuned to feeling it. Reiki will restore the feelings of wholeness and wellness, but the experience of Reiki is unique to the individual. It can be felt as heat, cold, tingling, vibration, but often one will feel sleepiness. Whatever the feelings though Reiki will be of benefit.

Reiki is not only for energy rebalance work; it also promotes healing. Healing is to make whole, whatever that may mean to you, it is an individual thing. So the idea of Reiki is simple, yet complex. It is not easy to describe Reiki in English, as the word energy in our language does not quite describe what we mean when we talk of healing energy. Yet to try Reiki is to understand Reiki. How does one describe in words how a rose smells, or how an orange tastes? Reiki is the energy of creation; allow it to create the words for you.

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