Naturally Inducing Labour with Pressure Point Stimulation


Arriving at your due date and no action at the station? Massage can help!

It is important to note that this practice is not safe unless you are nearing your due date or ofcourse past, this treatment should also only be carried out by a qualified, accredited health professional, check with your health care provider if this treatment is right for you.

How can massage help? By stimulating certain pressure points with finger pressure we can assist by not only naturally inducing labour but also reducing pain, discomfort and length of labour time. I treat points on the back, neck, hands, feet and ankle. Some reflexology is also useful to get the bowels moving during this time. This treatment is pain free and relaxing. Most women tend to feel their baby move on certain points – I’ve not had anyone go into labour on the table immediately (yet!).

My last client reported in with just a 5 hour labour, today I have treated another lovely lady, looking forward to seeing how she goes.

In Asian countries, women make several appointments with their Shiatsu practitioner to ensure their baby is born on a certain date inline with their astrological belief system.

There are no guarantees with this treatment as ultimately the body will do what it wants and that baby will come out only when its ready…we can however try to move things along naturally.

Want more information? Give me a call to discuss.

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